Zrážanie krvi: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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Riadok 8:
===Aktivácia krvných doštičiek===
Poškodenie cievnych stien odkrýva kolagén zvyčajne prítomný pod endotelom. Doštičky prítomné v krvi sa viažu na kolagén svojím povrchovým pre kolagén špecifickým glykoproteínovým receptorom Ia/IIa. Táto väzba je ďalej posilnená veľkým multimérnym proteínom ([[von Willebrandov faktor]] - vWF), ktorý tvorí väzby medzi doštičkovými glykoproteínmi Ib/X/V a kolagénovými vláknami.
Damage to blood vessel walls exposes [[collagen]] normally present under the [[endothelium]]. Circulating platelets bind to the collagen with the surface collagen-specific [[glycoprotein]] Ia/IIa receptor. This adhesion is strengthened further by the large multimeric circulating protein [[von Willebrand factor]] (vWF), which forms links between the platelet glycoprotein Ib/IX/V and collagen fibrils.
The platelets are then activated and release the contents of their granules into the plasma, in turn activating other platelets. The platelets undergo a change in their shape which exposes a phospholipid surface for those coagulation factors that require it. Fibrinogen links adjacent platelets by forming links via the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa. In addition, [[thrombin]] activates [[platelet]]s.