Spojené štáty Veľkého Rakúska: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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Riadok 2:
'''Spojené štáty Veľkého Rakúska''' ({{v jazyku|deu|Vereinigte Staaten von Groß-Österreich}}) bol návrh reformy štátosprávneho usporiadania [[Rakúsko-Uhorsko|Rakúsko-Uhorska]], vytvorený skupinou vzdelancov, obklopujúcich nástupníka trónu [[František Ferdinand d’Este|Františka Ferdinanda]], ktorý sa nikdy neuskutočnil. Myšlienkovým otcom tejto koncepcie bol [[Aurel Popovici]] v 1906.
[[Súbor:Austria hungary 1911.jpg|thumb|right|400px|<center>Jazyková mapa [[Rakúsko-Uhorsko|Rakúsko-Uhorska]]<center>]]
Ku koncu 19. storočia sa začalo čoraz výraznejšie ukazovať, že najväčším problémom, ktorému čelí dualistická monarchia [[Rakúsko-Uhorsko]] bole, že obyvateľstvo pozostávalo z dvanástich rozličných etnických skupín, z ktorých len dve, [[Nemci]] a [[Maďari]] (tvorili spolu 44% obyvateľstva), mali moc. Ostatných 10 etnických skupín ([[Česi]], [[Poliaci]], [[Rusíni]], [[Rumuni]], [[Chorváti]], [[Slováci]], [[Bosniaci]], [[Srbi]], [[Slovinci]] a [[Taliani]]) nemalo takmer akúkoľvek politickú moc, jedine Chorváti a Srbi mali obmedzenú autonómiu v [[Chorvátsko-slavónske kráľovstvo|Chorvátsko-slavónskom kráľovstve]], ktoré vzniklo v roku [[1868]] po maďarsko-chorvátskom vyrovnaní. The idea of the Dual Monarchy system of 1867 had been to split the previous [[Austrian Empire]] into two realms, one German-dominated, the other Hungarian-dominated. However, after various demonstrations, uprisings and acts of [[terrorism]], it became readily apparent that the notion of two ethnic groups dominating the other nine could not realistically survive ''in perpetuam''.
*''Kroatien'' ([[Chorvátsko]], [[Srem]] v dnešnom Srbsku a [[Boka Kotorská]] v dnešnej [[Čierna Hora|Čierna Hora]], etnicky chorvátske a srbské)
*''Woiwodina'' ([[Vojvodina]], partsúčasť of present-daydnešného [[SerbiaSrbsko|Srbska]], ethnicetnicky Serbiansrbské)
K týmto štátom by navyše patrilo množstvo nemecky hovoriacich enkláv vo východnom [[Sedmohradsko|Sedmohradsku]], Banáte a ďalších častiach Maďarska, južnom Slovinsku, aj na Spiši a v okolí Smolníka, aj veľké mestá (ako napríklad [[Praha]], [[Budapešť]], [[Ľvov]], [[Brno]]) a na ďalších miestach kde by mali autonómiu.
Franz Ferdinand had planned to radically redraw the map of Austria-Hungary, creating a number of ethnically and linguistically dominated semi-autonomous "states" which would all be part of a larger confederation renamed the United States of Greater Austria. Under this plan, language and cultural identification was encouraged, and the disproportionate balance of power would be corrected. The idea was set to encounter heavy opposition from the Hungarian part of the Dual Monarchy, since a direct result of the reform would have been a significant territorial loss for Hungary.
{{Citát|Veľká rozdielnosť pôvodu, jazykov, obyčajov a mentality rôznych národností si vyžaduje pre celú habsburskú monarchiu, také štátne usporiadanie, ktoré by dokázalo zaručiť, že žiadna národnosť bude ohrozená, blokovaná alebo dotknutá v svojom národno-politickom živote, v svojom vlastnom rozvoji, v svojej národnej hrdosti, jedným slovom – vo svojom spôsobe cítenia a žitia|[[Aurel Popovici]] ([[1906]])|200}}
However, the Archduke was assassinated at [[Sarajevo]] in 1914, triggering the outbreak of the [[World War I|First World War]], after which Austria-Hungary was dismantled and several new nation states were created, as well as various Austro-Hungarian territories ceded to existing neighbouring countries, by the victorious [[Triple Entente|Entente]] powers.
==Proposed states from Aurel Popovici==
[[Image:Greater austria ethnic.svg|thumb|right|400px|Proposed map of the United States of Greater Austria and the major ethnic groups of Austria-Hungary]]
The idea came from Hungarian revolutionary [[Lajos Kossuth]], who proposed to transform the Habsburg Empire into a so-called "Danubian State", a federal state with autonomous regions.<ref>"Encyclopedia Britannica: Kossuth article"</ref><ref>Lessons of the War and the Peace Conference : Oreste Ferrara</ref> The following territories were supposed to become states of the federation after the reform. The majority ethnic group within each territory is also listed.
[[Image:Greater austria.png|thumb|right|400px|<center>Proposed map of the United States of Greater Austria, by Popovici, 1906 <center>]]
*''Deutsch-Österreich'' ([[Austria|German-Austria]], present-day Austria, the Italian province of [[South Tyrol]], and the southern part of the present-day Czech Republic, ethnic German)
*''Deutsch-Böhmen'' ([[Bohemia|German-Bohemia]], northwestern part of present-day [[Czech Republic]], ethnic German)
*''Deutsch-Mähren'' ([[Moravia|German-Moravia]], northeastern part of present-day Czech Republic, ethnic German)
*''Böhmen'' ([[Bohemia]], southern and central part of present-day Czech Republic, ethnic Czech)
*''Slowakenland'' ([[Slovakia]], ethnic Slovak)
*''West-Galizien'' ([[Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria|West Galicia]], part of present-day [[Poland]], ethnic Pole)
*''Ost-Galizien'' ([[Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria|East Galicia]], part of present-day [[Ukraine]] and Poland, ethnic [[Rusyn people|Rusyn]] and Ukrainian)
*''Ungarn'' ([[Hungary]], present-day Hungary, southern Slovakia, northern [[Vojvodina]], ethnic Magyar)
*''Seklerland'' ([[Székely Land]], part of present-day [[Romania]], ethnic Magyar)
*''Siebenbürgen'' ([[Transylvania]], the [[Banat]], plus [[Bukovina]] - part of present-day Romania and Ukraine, ethnic Romanian)
*''Trento'' ([[Trentino]], part of present-day [[Italy]], ethnic Italian)
*''Triest'' ([[Trieste]] and [[Gorizia]], parts of present-day Italy, western [[Istria]], part of present-day Croatia and Slovenia, ethnic Italian)
*''Krain'' ([[Carniola]], present-day [[Slovenia]] and southern [[Carinthia (state)|Carinthia]], ethnic Slovene)
*''Kroatien'' ([[Croatia]], [[Srem]] in present-day Serbia and [[Boka Kotorska]] in present-day [[Montenegro]], ethnic Croatian and Serb)
*''Woiwodina'' ([[Vojvodina]], part of present-day [[Serbia]], ethnic Serbian)
In addition, a number of mostly German-speaking enclaves in eastern [[Transylvania]], the Banat and other parts of Hungary, southern Slovenia, large cities (such as [[Prague]], [[Budapest]], [[Lvov]] and others) and elsewhere were to have autonomy within the respective territory.
{{Quote box
| quote =“The great origin, language, customs and mentality diversity of different nationalities
requires, for the whole Empire of the Habsburgs, a certain state form, which can guarantee
that not a single nationality will be threatened, obstructed or offended in its nationalpolitical
life, in its private development, in its national pride, in one word – in its way of
feeling and living”
| source = [[Aurel Popovici]] (1906)
| width = 65%
| align = center
Řádek 52 ⟶ 19:
==ExternalExterné linksodkazy==
*[http://www.thomasgraz.net/glass/map-popov.htm Mapa navrhovanej federalizácie]