Justin Bieber: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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Riadok 31:
== Minulosť ==
Justin Bieber sa narodil 1. marca 1994 o 12:56 v St Joseph's Hospital v meste London (Ontario) v Kanade.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/justin-biebers-mom-joins-fight-295774|title=Justin Bieber's Mom Joins Fight to Keep Canadian Pregnant Teen Shelter Open|publisher=The Hollywood Reporter|date=2012-02-28|accessdate=2012-03-28}}</ref> Justinova mama, Patricia Lynn „Pattie“ Mallette, mala 18 rokov keď otehotnela. Justin sa narodil ako jedináčik, jeho rodičia sa krátko na to rozišli. Vyrastal v malom meste Stratford (Ontario), kde ho mama vychovávala s pomocou jej rodičov.<ref name="thestar">{{cite news|url=http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/music/article/809366--justin-bieber-guide-added-to-hometown-of-stratford-s-tourism-website|title=Justin Bieber guide added to hometown of Stratford's tourism website|work=Toronto Star|date=May 14, 2010|accessdate=2011-12-16|location=Toronto|first=Ashante|last=Infantry}}</ref> Otec, Jeremy Jack Bieber, sa neskôr oženil a v súčasnosti má dve deti – dcéru Jazmyn a syna Jaxona.<ref name="elp">{{cite news|url=http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20395400,00.html|title=Meet Justin Bieber's Rockin' Dad|last=Bartolomeo|first=Joey|date=June 20, 2010|work=People|publisher=Time Inc.}}</ref><ref name="nyimage">{{cite news|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/03/fashion/03bieber.html|title=Justin Bieber is Living the Tween Idol Dream|last=Hoffman|first=Jan|date=December 31, 2009|work=The New York Times|publisher=The New York Times Company}}</ref>
A Kamnilka ho miluje <33333
V detstve sa Justin zaujímal o hokej, futbal a šach. Postupne ako rástol, učil sa sám hrať na klavíri, bicích, gitare a trúbke.<ref name="Island DefJam article">{{cite news|url=http://www.islanddefjam.com/artist/news_single.aspx?nid=5118&artistID=7342|title=The Today Show + Justin Bieber = Awesome|date=September 11, 2009|work=Island Def Jam|publisher=Universal Music Group|accessdate=}}</ref> V roku 2007, keď mal dvanásť rokov, zaspieval pieseň So Sick od Ne-Yo na miestnej speváckej súťaži v Stratforde a umiestnil sa na druhom mieste.<ref name="mitchell">{{cite web|url=http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/usher-introduces-teen-singer-justin-bieber-1003966989.story#/bbcom/news/usher-introduces-teen-singer-justin-bieber-1003966989.story|title=Usher Introduces Teen Singer Justin Bieber|last=Mitchell|first=Gail|date=2009-04-28|work=[[Billboard]]|accessdate=2009-07-23}}</ref> Jeho mama zverejnila video z vystúpenia na [[YouTube]], aby ho mohla vidieť rodina aj priatelia. Pokračovala s uploadom videí na ktorých Justin prespieval rôzne R&B pesničky a jeho popularita na stránke rástla.<ref name="herrera">{{cite news|url=http://www.reuters.com/article/musicNews/idUSTRE56I2BM20090719|title="Time" is right for teen singer Justin Bieber|last=Herrera|first=Monica|date=July 13, 2009|work=Reuters|publisher=Thomson Reuters|accessdate=}}</ref>