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CocuBot (diskusia | príspevky)
d r2.6.1) (robot Pridal: ab, arc, as, av, ay, az, ba, bcl, bh, bi, bm, bpy, bug, bxr, ceb, ch, chr, chy, cr, dz, ee, eml, ff, fj, frp, fur, glk, gn, got, gu, ha, hak, haw, hy, ka, lg, map-bms, mg, my, myv, roa-rup, simple
Cocu (diskusia | príspevky)
Bez shrnutí editace
Riadok 1:
'''This bot belongs to [[:no:Bruker:Cocu|Cocu]] from the [[:no:Portal:Forside|Norwegian Wikipedia]]'''<br />
It uses standard pywikipedia for adding interwiki links in the main and category namespace<br />
Feel free to contact me on my [[:no:Brukerdiskusjon:Cocu|my talk page]] if there is any problem with the bot