Della Cruscans: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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Riadok 12:
* Drabble, Margaret, ed. "Della Cruscans"; "Gifford, William.The Oxford Companion to English Literature. OUP, 1985. 265-266; 390-391<ref>[,+Margaret,+ed.+%22Della+Cruscans%22;+%22Gifford,+William.The+Oxford+Companion+to+English+Literature.&source=bl&ots=3WziwVoHJ-&sig=ACfU3U3Yxq-z5urKLOTglGeRDFE3T58hAQ&hl=sk&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjCk-m2-ZzoAhUJT8AKHUXmC9AQ6AEwAXoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=Drabble%2C%20Margaret%2C%20ed.%20%22Della%20Cruscans%22%3B%20%22Gifford%2C%20William.The%20Oxford%20Companion%20to%20English%20Literature.&f=false Kniha Google - Gifford William]</ref>.
* Hargreaves-Mawdsley, W.N. The English Della Cruscans and Their Time, 1783-1828. International Archives of the History of Ideas #22. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1967.
* Longaker, John Mark. The Della Cruscans and William Gifford: The History of a Minor Movement in an Age of Literary Transition. University of Pennsylvania, 1924<ref>[ Kniha Google - Mark Longaker]</ref>.
* Ousby, Ian. "Della Cruscans." The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English. Cambridge UP, 2000. str.249, Radcliffe, David Hill, compiler. English Poetry 1579-1830: Spenser and the Tradition<ref>[ The Cambridge Guide to Litterature...]</ref>
Riadok 20:
* {{Preklad|en|Della Cruscans|910532218}}
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[[Kategória:Básnické školy]]