Don Beck
Don Edward Beck je americký futurológ a vizionár, spolutvorca Spiral Dynamics (model vývojovej psychológie).
upraviťJe spoluzakladateľom a riaditeľom National Values Center v Dentone v Texase v USA. Je zakladateľom Institute of Values and Culture a The Spiral Dynamics Group. Vyučoval na University of North Texas. Je spoluautorom koncepcie špirálovitej dynamiky - Spiral Dynamics, koncepcie spoločenského vývoja založenej na hodnotových memoch. Žije v Dentone v Texase v USA.
upraviťJe autorom kníh a publikácií
- The Crucible. Forging South Africa´s Future (spoluautor) (1991)
- Spiral Dynamics. Values, Leadership, and Change (spoluautor) (1996)
- The Search for Cohesion in the Age of Fragmentation. From the New World Order to the Next Global Mesh (1999)
- Sustainable Cultures, Sustainable Planet. A Values Systém Perspective on Constructive Dialogue and Cooperative Action (2001)
- Stages of Social Development. The Cultural Dynamics that Spark Violence, Spread Prosperity, and Shape Globalization (2001)
- Spiral Dynamics in the Integral Age (2002)
upraviť- Beck, Don Edward, Cowan, Christopher, C.: Spiral Dynamics. Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford 1996, Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA 2006, ISBN 1-4051-3356-2
upraviť- Beck, Don Edward: The Search for Cohesion in the Age of Fragmentation. From the New World Order to the Next Global Mesh. NVC, Spiral Dynamics, Denton, Texas 1999
- Beck, Don Edward: Spiral Dynamics in the Integral Age. Spiral Dynamics, Denton, Texas 2002
- Beck, Don Edward: Stages of Social Development: The Cultural Dynamics that Spark Violence, Spread Prosperity, and Shape Globalization: The Twelve Postulates. Spiral Dynamics, Denton, Texas 2002