Gerald Barney

americký fyzik

Gerald O. Barney je americký futurológ a prognostik.

Je zakladateľom a výkonný riaditeľom Institute for 21st Century, ktorý v roku 1993 premenoval na The Millennium Institute. Žije v Arlingtone vo Virginii v USA.

Je autorom kníh a publikácií

  • The Global 2000 Report to President. Entering the 21st Century (editor) (1980)
  • Proceedings of the Second International Meeting on 21st Century Studies. Vol. I.: Global Studies (spolueditor) (1989)
  • Proceedings of the Second International Meeting on 21st Century Studies. Vol. II.: America (spolueditor) (1989)
  • Proceedings of the Second International Meeting on 21st Century Studies. Vol. III.: Asia / Pacific (spolueditor) (1989)
  • Proceedings of the Second International Meeting on 21st Century Studies. Vol. IV.: Europe (spolueditor) (1989)
  • Managing a Nation. The Microcomputer Software Catalog (spolueditor) (1989) (1991)
  • Global 2000 Revisited. What Shall We Do ? (1993)
  • Threshold 2000. Critical Issues and Spiritual Values for a Global Age (1999)




  • Barney, Gerald O.(Study Director): The Global 2000. Report to the President. Entering the Twenty-First Century. Volumes 1.,2. And 3., The Council on Environmental Quality and the Department of State. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 1980
  • Barney, Gerald O., Blewett, Jane, Barney, Kristen R.: Global 2000 Revisited. What shall we do ? The Critical Issues of the 21st Century. Millennium Institute, Arlington 1993
  • Barney, Gerald O., Blewett, Jane, Barney, Kristen R.: Threshold 2000. Critical Issues and Spiritual Values for a Global Age. Millennium Institute, Arlington, CoNexus Press, Grand Rapids 1998