Franz von Weyrother (Viedeň, 1755 – Viedeň, 16 Február 1806) bol rakúsky generál. počas francúzskych revolučných vojen a Napoleonských vojen.



Weyhrotherovi sa narodil vo Viedni ako syn generála jazdectva Adam von Weyhrotherovi. Po štúdiu na Vojenskej akadémii inžinierstva, nastúpil Franz Moritz von Lacy pešieho pluku č 22 ako kadet v roku 1775. On bol povýšený na poručíka o dva roky neskôr. V auguste 1778 bol menovaný pobočník k Wenzel Colloredo, slúžiaci v tomto postavení až do roku 1783.

Weyhrotherovi podieľal na rakúsko-tureckej vojny medzi 1787 a 1791, bol pod velením maršala Maximilian Ulysses Browne príležitosti zarábať hodnosti kapitána. Počas ranej fázy vojny prvej koalície Weyhrotherovi slúžil v Mainzi. Povýšený do hodnosti majora v roku 1795, bol zranený v Weisenau. Po zotavení on bol poslaný k účasti na Rýnskej armády pod velením arcivojvodu Karola, vojvodu z Teschen. Roku 1795 bol vymenovaný rytierom vojenského poriadku Márie Terézie.

Italy and Bavaria


In September 1796, Weyrother transferred to Northern Italy where he fought in the Battle of Bassano under Field Marshal Dagobert von Wurmser. Later he served on the staff of Feldzeugmeister József Alvinczi. In this capacity, he helped plan the campaign that ended in a narrow defeat by Bonaparte at the Battle of Arcola.[1] His plan for the Battle of Rivoli provided for three widely separated striking forces and unrealistically called for one flanking column to march across mountainous terrain in January.[2] Rivoli ended in a decisive Austrian defeat and the consequent surrender of the fortress of Mantua.

During the campaign of 1799, Weyrother served as chief of staff to Feldzeugmeister Pál Kray, where he distinguished himself at Legnago (26 March), Magnano (5 April) and Novi (15 August). He also planned an epic march by Russian Field Marshal Alexander Suvorov across the Saint Gotthard Pass. For his conduct in these actions he was promoted to colonel (Oberst), given command of the Schröder Infantry Regiment # 7, and mentioned in dispatches to Kaiser Francis II of Austria by Suvorov. In the fall of 1800, Francis II assigned him to be chief-of-staff to the 18-year old Archduke John of Austria, the new commander of the army in Bavaria. Believing Jean Moreau's French army to be in retreat, Weyrother organized an aggressive pursuit through heavily forested terrain by four non-mutually-supporting columns.[3] Instead, Moreau stood his ground, sprang an ambush, and enveloped the Austrian left flank. The resulting Battle of Hohenlinden turned out to be a catastrophe for the Austrians, effectively ending the War of the Second Coalition.

Napoleonic Wars


When the War of the Third Coalition broke out, Weyrother was promoted to General-Major and at the request of General Mikhail Kutusov he was made chief of staff of the Austro-Russian army. In this capacity he was responsible for the conception of the allied plan which was defeated by Emperor Napoleon at the Battle of Austerlitz.[4] Two and a half months after the battle, Weyrother died aged 51 in Vienna.


  • Arnold, James R. Marengo & Hohenlinden. Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK: Pen & Sword, 2005. ISBN 1-84415-279-0
  • Boycott-Brown, Martin. The Road to Rivoli. London: Cassell & Co., 2001. ISBN 0-304-35305-1
  • Chandler, David. The Campaigns of Napoleon. New York: Macmillan, 1966.


  1. Boycott-Brown, p 440
  2. Boycott-Brown, p 491
  3. Arnold, p 221-222
  4. Chandler, p 416-417

External references


Weyrother by Digby Smith, compiled by Leopold Kudrna

de:Franz von Weyrother es:Von Weyrother fr:Franz von Weyrother ru:Вейротер, Франц фон