
Martin Kahanec, PhD.

Zakladateľ a riaditeľ pre výskum Central European University, Budapest

Výskumné oblasti Trh práce a jeho inštitúcie; Etnicita a migrácia

Publikácie CELSI Frontiers Seminar: The political unrest in Ukraine: Socio-economic causes and individual responses The Guardian reports on Martin Kahanec's paper: No 'welfare migration' in the EU Martin Kahanec komentoval zmeny v Zákone o službách nezamestnanosti Kahanec's new journal article on how migration may reduce inequality Kahanec's new journal article on working hours of immigrants in Germany Analýza: Čo môžeme očakávať od nového Zákonníka práce? An article co-authored by Martin Kahanec on pitfalls of immigrant inclusion into welfare published in the International Journal of Manpower Analýza: Berú Slováci prácu Nemcom? Press Release: Children, education pays off! Forthcoming article in Transfer on youth unemployment by Kahanec and Fabo CELSI's research results quoted in the daily Hospodarske noviny Martin Kahanec quoted by German Wirtschafts Woche Press release "Young migrants from new EU member states: Why they want to leave, and do they want to come back?" Press Release: Welfare benefits no magnet for migrants, research confirms Press Release: Inequalities have significantly deepened in Slovakia Martin Kahanec live on BBC World News: Migrants do not respond to welfare generosity An article co-authored by Martin Kahanec debunking the welfare magnet hypothesis published in the International Journal of Manpower Political Economy of Immigration in Germany: Attitudes and Citizenship Aspiration Migration, Ethnicity and Identity in Host Labor Markets (Journal Special Issue) Martin Kahanec's new research report on Roma inclusion Martin Kahanec to cooperate on research report on integration of minorities Austria and Germany have punished themselves Austria and Germany should not fear immigration Does Slovakia want integration of the Roma people? The Russian-Ukrainian Political Divide Čo má spoločné Kuzminová s narkobarónmi? Social Determinants of Labor Market Status of Ethnic Minorities in Britain Migration to U.K. rising, data show We will measure also students' salaries soon... Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants and Non-Citizens in the EU: An East-West Comparison The labor market can be saved by immigrants and the Roma Little music for little money Prosperita Slovenska: bez vedy a vzdelania to nepôjde Don’t we want to travel like the Turks? A new study on lessons from European mobility authored by Martin Kahanec now published by the World Bank Ethnic Competition and Specialization Prečo sú univerzity nekvalitné Martin Kahanec commented on youth unemployment in Slovakia Martin Kahanec took part in Slovak Television debate: Europe needs immigrants CELSI Researchers co-author a research report on social protection rights Press Release: Gender Pay Gap in Journalism all over the World (Slovak language) Kahanec and Kureková contribute to The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, Wiley-Blackwell EC: The 'Study on Active Inclusion of Migrants' with Martin Kahanec as a lead author out now Article on the welfare magnet myth by Martin Kahanec covered by Handelsblatt, Focus among others Forthcoming article on unemployment benefits and immigration by Martin Kahanec Martin Kahanec quoted by daily SME Martin Kahanec for Businessweek, Bloomberg: Public works do not help to transit into regular employment Martin Kahanec for Hospodárske noviny: Decreasing real wages mark labor market flexibility Martin Kahanec's book about ethnic diversity in European labor markets out now Forthcoming article on ethnic job-search strategies by Martin Kahanec Martin Kahanec for Slovak spectator: "Ageing of population is a serious problem" Martin Kahanec's academic article to appear as a lead article in Economics of Transition Martin Kahanec quoted by daily Pravda Invited op-ed by Martin Kahanec in daily SME: Come back our golden boys - and girls! CELSI in The Slovak Spectators How will opening of markets by Germany and Austria affect Slovak migration? International Migration, Ethnicity and Economic Inequality High-Skilled Immigration Policy in Europe EU Labor Markets after Post-Enlargement Migration Influx of immigrants is 'without precedent' Tlačová správa "Desať rokov voľného pohybu osôb v EÚ – čo nám priniesol a kto na ňom získal?" Tlačová správa: Mali by sme sa obávať masovej imigrácie z Ukrajiny? IZA World of Labor article by Martin Kahanec: Roma integration in European labor markets Kahanec's article on Labor Market Impacts of Post-Enlargement Migration on Hosts and Stayers in EU Labor Marke forthcoming in Transfer Martin Kahanec for BBC: Hungarian national labor plan is a 'lemon' Kahanec and Fertig project potential flows to the EU from Ukraine, Croatia and other eastern neighbors Martin Kahanec's article "Labour market impacts of post-enlargement migration on hosts and stayers in EU labour markets" published in Transfer Special Issue Tlačová správa: Vyhlásenie Stredoeurópskeho inštitútu pre výskum práce (CELSI) k bezprostrednému ohrozeniu akademických slobôd a Stredoeurópskej univerzity (CEU) v Budapešti Kahanec and Zimmerman publish new book "Labor Migration, EU Enlargement, and the Great Recession" Tlačová správa: Riaditeľ CELSI Martin Kahanec zvolený za riadneho člena Academia Europea ako prvý Slovák v spoločenských a príbuzných vedách. Tlačová správa: Ženy a mladí ľudia bez vzdelania sú na trhu práce takmer bez šance CELSI's study for the European Parliament's Policy Department for Economic and Scientific Policy has been published Nová publikácia Kahanca a Faba: "Can a voluntary web survey be useful beyond explorative research? " Článok, ktorého spoluautormi sú M. Kahanec, M. Guzi a L. Mýtna Kureková, "How Immigration Grease Is Affected by Economic, Institutional, and Policy Contexts: Evidence from EU Labor Markets" Martin Kahanec publikoval nové knižné kapitoly: "A Sustainable Immigration Policy for the EU" a “EU Mobility” Článok, ktorého spoluautormi sú Kahanec a Guzi, "How Immigrants Helped EU Labor Markets to Adjust during the Great Recession", uverejnený v International Journal of Manpower