Populačný vývoj
Rok Obyv.
Populačný vývoj
Rok Obyv.
179033 131
180060 51582.7%
181096 37359.3%
1820123 70628.4%
1830202 58963.8%
1840312 71054.4%
1850696 490122.7%
1860813 66916.8%
1870942 29215.8%
18801 206 29928.0%
18901 515 30125.6%
19003 437 202126.8%
19104 766 88338.7%
19205 620 04817.9%
19306 930 44623.3%
19407 454 9957.6%
19507 891 9575.9%
19607 781 984-1.4%
19707 894 8621.5%
19807 071 639-10.4%
19907 322 5643.5%
20008 008 2889.4%
Odhad 20078 295 029[1]3.6%
Populačný vývoj 1790 — 1990[2]
| 1790=33131
| 1800=60515
| 1810=96373
| 1820=123706
| 1830=202589
| 1840=312710
| 1850=696490
| 1860=813669
| 1870=942292
| 1880=1206299
| 1890=1515301
| 1900=3437202
| 1910=4766883
| 1920=5620048
| 1930=6930446
| 1940=7454995
| 1950=7891957
| 1960=7781984
| 1970=7894862
| 1980=7071639
| 1990=7322564
| 2000=8008288
| estimate=8295029
| estyear=2007
| estref=
| footnote=


  1. Data for New York city, New York, United States Census Bureau.
  2. Gibson, Campbell.Population of the 100 Largest Cities and Other Urban Places in the United States:1790 to 1990, United States Census Bureau, Červen 1998.