Kozmológia: Rozdiel medzi revíziami

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Rudko (diskusia | príspevky)
d pridaná Kategória:Kozmológia pomocou použitia HotCat
Masleyko (diskusia | príspevky)
Riadok 35:
| Cyklická alebo oscilujúca, nekonečný čas
| Jeden cyklus existencie trvá približne 311 triliónov rokov a život jedného vesmíru je okolo 8 miliárd rokov. Tomuto vesmírnemu cyklu predchádzal nekonečný počet vesmírov a po ňom nasleduje nekonečný počet vesmírov. Zahŕňa aj nekonečný počet vesmírov v danom čase.
| One cycle of existence is around 311 trillion years and the life of one universe around 8 billion years. This Universal cycle is preceded by an infinite number of universes and to be followed by another infinite number of universes. Includes an infinite number of universes at one given time.
Řádek 48 ⟶ 45:
| Cyklická alebo oscilujúca, večná a konečná
| Jain kozmológia považuje vesmír za entitu bez stvorenia, existujúcu nekonečne dlho. Tvar vesmíru je podobný stojacemu človeku s rozkročenými nohami a rukami vbok. Tento vesmír je podľa Jainizmu navrchu úzky, v strede široký a smerom dole sa zužuje.
| Jain cosmology considers the loka, or universe, as an uncreated entity, existing since infinity,the shape of the universe as similar to a man standing with legs apart and arm resting on his waist. This Universe, according to Jainism, is narrow at the top, broad at the middle and once again becomes broad at the bottom.
Řádek 61 ⟶ 55:
| Plochá zem plávajúca v nekonečnom vodnom chaose
| [[Zem]] a [[Nebo]] tvoria jednotu vrámci nekonečných "vôd chaosu"; zem je plochá a kruhová a pevný dóm ho oddeľuje od vonkajšieho oceánu "chaosu".
| The [[Earth]] and the [[Heaven]]s form a unit within infinite "waters of chaos"; the earth is flat and circular, and a solid dome (the "firmament") keeps out the outer "chaos"-ocean.
Řádek 71 ⟶ 65:
| Plochá zem plávajúca v nekonečnom vodnom chaose
| Založené na Babylonskej kozmológii. [[Zem]] a [[Nebo]] tvoria jednotu vrámci nekonečných "vôd chaosu"; zem je plochá a kruhová a pevný dóm ho oddeľuje od vonkajšieho oceánu "chaosu".
| Based on Babylonian cosmology. The [[Earth]] and the [[Heaven]]s form a unit within infinite "waters of chaos"; the earth is flat and circular, and a solid dome (the "[[firmament]]") keeps out the outer "chaos"-ocean.
Řádek 81 ⟶ 75:
| Nekonečný rozsah
| The universe contains only two things: an infinite number of tiny seeds, or [[atom]]s, and the void of infinite extent. All atoms are made of the same substance, but differ in size and shape. Objects are formed from atom aggregations and decay back into atoms. Incorporates [[Leucippus]]' principle of [[causality]]: "nothing happens at random; everything happens out of reason and necessity." The universe was not ruled by [[gods]].{{citation needed|reason=Ancient greeks typically believed that nothing was random *because* there were gods -- for instance, when you elected a leader by drawing straws, the person 'randomly' elected leader was the one chosen by the gods! The random selection was intended to minimize human influence on the outcome of the election, not to eliminate the influence of mount olympus -- which would have been considered impossible, by typical greek thinkers at least. Perhaps Anaxagoras was atypical in *that* way, as well as atypical in believing in some primitive version of the atomic theory, but methinks not.|date=January 2013}}
Řádek 463 ⟶ 457:
| Expandujúci a sťahujúci sa v cykloch, M-teória.
| Dve paralelné roviny alebo [[M-teória|membrány]] periodicky kolidujú vo viac dimenzionálnom priestore. S[[tmavá energia|tmavou energiou]].
| Two parallel [[orbifold]] planes or [[Membrane (M-theory)|M-branes]] collide periodically in a higher dimensional space. With [[Quintessence (physics)|quintessence]] or [[dark energy]].
Řádek 473 ⟶ 467:
| Riešenie Tolmanovho problému s entropiou
| [[Tmavá energia]] rozdeľuje vesmír na veľký počet oddelených častí. Naša časť sa sťahuje a obsahuje len tmavú hmotu s nulovou [[entropia|entropiou]].
| [[Phantom energy|Phantom dark energy]] fragments universe into large number of disconnected patches. Our patch contracts containing only dark energy with zero [[entropy]].