Diskusia:Alžbeta Bátoriová

Poslední komentář: pred 14 rokmi od uživatele Bronto
  • Nie som odborník, priezviská Báthoryová, Thurzo som čerpala z mne dostupnej literatúry - PhDr. Jozef Kočiš, CSc - "Alžbeta Báthoryová a palatín Thurzo". Knižka vyšla v roku 1984 vo vydavateľstve Osveta. Doteraz som sa strela aj v inej literatúre len s takouto podobou ich mien, tak neviem o inej a neviem, ako majú ich mená byť v slovenčine správne. Bubamara 17:40, 20 júl 2005 (UTC)
  • Tak ako sú teraz, pravidlá sa zmenili v roku 1991. Stručne povedané sa skoro všetko prepisuje do slovenčiny. Bronto 18:20, 20 júl 2005 (UTC)

Chcem sa len opýtať-aký je rozdiel medzi hororom a horrorom ?----VESMIR 16:44, 21. august 2008 (UTC)Odpovědět

Jedno písmenko, slniečko :-D Ale inak "horror" je prevzaté z angličtiny, správne po slovensky je "horor". --Lady Rowena 16:57, 21. august 2008 (UTC)Odpovědět

Tak to upravím.----VESMIR 17:30, 21. august 2008 (UTC)Odpovědět

Si to opravte, Batoryová nie je pochovaná v Cachticiach. Pozrite si anglicku wikipediu alebo si to vyguglite. Je pochovaná v mieste svojho rodiska v severovychodnom Madarsku, v meste Nagyecsed.

Podla "guglu" a anglickej wiki? Fakt? Nepovedz.Bronto 02:01, 18. február 2010 (UTC)Odpovědět

O čo ti ide ? Tá tvoja ironicka poznamka má akože čo znamenať? Mne to može byt tak akurat ukradnuté čo tu máte za informacie, ja viem svoje. Som chcel pomocť. Tebe nezáleží na tom aby wikipedia obsahovala pravdivé informacie? "Vyguglite", a čo som mal napísať, že " chodte osobne do toho maďarskeho mesta a vyfotografujte sa pri jej hrobe ako dôkaz" ?? Sa uvedom konečne

Elizabeth Báthory


I just let you know Báthory Erzsébet (Alžbeta Bátoriová) could not born and die in the monarchy, which it did not exist that time:

Austria-Hungary or the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, also known as the Dual Monarchy or the k.u.k. Monarchy, was a constitutional monarchic union between the crowns of the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary in Central Europe. The union was a result of the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867, under which the House of Habsburg agreed to share power with the separate Hungarian government, dividing the territory of the former Austrian Empire between them. The Austrian and the Hungarian lands became independent entities enjoying equal status.[3] The dual monarchy had existed for 51 years when it dissolved on 31 October 1918 following military defeat in the Italian front of the First World War.

Soirce is: Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austria-Hungary)

She was born and die in the Kingdom of Hungary which at that time the emperor of Austria was the king.

Pls. see into inbox...

RE: to your comment is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habsburg_Monarchy Habsburg Monarchy is a description for a historic period of ruling of Habsburg dynasty over a Central-Eastern-Southern European region from 1521 to 1918. As such, the Habsburgs ruled over various kingdoms (kings and nobility) present in that region at the time and would exchange/acquire lands at their likings. Thus, the use of this term is correct, because it is a overriding terminology. Austria-Hungary is from a different century. Also, at the time the Hungarian lands were called "The Hungarian parts of the Empire were called "Lands of the Holy Hungarian Crown of Saint Stephen" or "Lands of Holy (St.) Stephen's Crown" (Länder der Heiligen Stephans Krone). The Bohemian (Czech) Lands were called "Lands of the St. Wenceslaus' Crown" (Länder der Wenzels-Krone)."

The Habsburg Monarchy (German: Habsburgermonarchie) or Empire, is an unofficial appellation among historians for the countries and provinces that were ruled by the junior Austrian branch of the House of Habsburg between 1521 and 1780 and then by the successor branch of Habsburg-Lorraine until 1918. The Monarchy was a composite state composed of territories within and outside the Holy Roman Empire, united only in the person of the monarch. The dynastic capital was Vienna, except from 1583 to 1611,[2] when it was moved to Prague. From 1804 to 1867 the Habsburg Monarchy was formally unified as the Austrian Empire, and from 1867 to 1918 as the Austro-Hungarian Empire.[3][4]

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