Carlile Aylmer Macartney

Carlile Aylmer Macartney (* 24. január 1895, Westerham, Spojené kráľovstvo – † 18. jún 1979, Oxford) bol britský historik, ktorý sa špecializoval na históriu strednej Európy, konkrétne Maďarska.[1]

Carlile Aylmer Macartney
britský historik
Narodenie24. január 1895
Westerham, Spojené kráľovstvo
Úmrtie18. jún 1979 (84 rokov)
Oxford, Spojené kráľovstvo
Alma materUniversity of Cambridge
RodičiaCarlile Henry Hayes Macartney, Louisa Gardiner
ManželkaNedella Mamarchev (1923 -)

Vyštudoval University of Cambridge.[2]

V roku 1965 sa stal členom British Academy,[1] v roku 1974 obdržal rakúske vyznamenie Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich.[3]

  • The Social Revolution in Austria (Cambridge, 1926).
  • The Magyars in the Ninth Century (Cambridge, 1930).
  • Refugees: The Work of the League (London, 1931).
  • Hungary (London, 1934).
  • National States and National Minorities (London, 1934).
  • Hungary and Her Successors: The Treaty of Trianon and Its Consequences (Oxford, 1937).
  • Studies on the Earliest Hungarian Historical Sources, 3 vols. (Budapest, 1938–51).
  • Problems of the Danube Basin (Cambridge, 1942).
  • The Medieval Hungarian Historians: A Critical and Analytical Guide (London, 1953).
  • October Fifteenth: A History of Modern Hungary, 1929-1945, 2 vols. (Edinburgh, 1956).
  • Hungary: A Short History (Edinburgh, 1962).
  • Independent Eastern Europe: A History (London & New York, 1962) [co-written with A. W. Palmer].
  • The Habsburg Empire, 1790–1918 (London, 1968).
  • Maria Theresa and the House of Austria (London, 1969).
  • The House of Austria: The Later Phase, 1790-1918 (Edinburgh, 1978).
  • Studies on Early Hungarian and Pontic History, edited by Lóránt Czigány and László Péter (Aldershot, 1998) [collected articles].


  1. a b LOJKO, Miklos. C. A. Macartney and Central Europe [online]. European Revue of History, Vol. 6, No. 19, pp. 37-57, 1 January 1999, [cit. 2018-07-11]. Dostupné online. (English)
  2. Who's Who 1958. London : A & C Black, 1958. I.
  3. Reply to a parliamentary question [online]. [Cit. 2012-10-19]. S. 398. Dostupné online. (German)

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