Wikipédia:Kaviareň/Novinky/Archív 2023
Používateľsky najnavštevovanejšie stránky pre skwiki v roku 2022
upraviťPočet videní (User pageviews) |
Názov |
2994088 | Hlavná stránka |
964036 | Špeciálne:Hľadanie |
483308 | Farma (televízna relácia) |
392690 | Slovensko |
348820 | Ukrajina |
330867 | YouTube |
285684 | Špeciálne:PoslednéÚpravy |
224025 | Alžbeta II. |
196760 | Rusko |
191982 | Členovia Európskej únie |
Zdroj: Dušan Kreheľ (diskusia) 01:53, 3. január 2023 (UTC)
Nadchádzajúce hlasovanie o ratifikácii Pravidiel presadzovania Všeobecného kódexu správania
upraviťDobrý deň,
V polovici januára 2023 prebehne komunitné hlasovanie o ratifikácii Pravidiel presadzovania Všeobecného kódexu správania. Bude nadväzovať na hlasovanie uskutočnené v marci 2022, v ktorom väčšina hlasujúcich Pravidla presadzovania podporila. Používatelia, ktorí prispeli do hlasovania, pomohli upozorniť na podstatné obavy komunity. Výbor pre komunitné záležitosti nadácie Wikimédia požiadal o posúdenie týchto problémov.
Revízny výbor, zložený z dobrovoľníkov, usilovne pracoval na preskúmaní podnetov komunity a na úprave textu. Aktualizovali problematické oblasti, ako napríklad sekcia o požiadavkách na školenie, potvrdenie o dodržiavaní, ochrane súkromia a transparentnosti. Tiež zlepšili čitateľnosť a uľahčili preklad celého dokumentu.
Revidované Pravidlá presadzovania nájdete tu, a porovnanie zmien si môžete pozrieť tu.
Ako hlasovať?
Hlasovanie bude otvorené 17. januára 2023. Táto stránka na Meta-Wiki obsahuje návod na používanie nástroja SecurePoll, cez ktoré bude vedené hlasovanie.
Kto môže hlasovať?
Požiadavky k spôsobilosti na toto hlasovanie sú rovnaké ako pre voľby do správnej rady Wikimédiw. Ďalšie podrobnosti o oprávnenosti voličov nájdete na stránke s informáciami o voličoch. Ak ste oprávneným voličom, môžete použiť svoj účet Wikimédie na prístup k hlasovaciemu serveru.
Čo sa bude diať po hlasovaní?
Hlasy budú spracované nezávislou skupinou dobrovoľníkov a výsledky budú publikované v mailing liste Wikimedia-l, na fóre Stratégia hnutia, na blogu Diff a na Meta-Wiki. Užívatelia budú môcť opäť hlasovať a podeliť sa o svoje pripomienky k Pravidlám. Správna rada posúdi mieru podpory a vyjadrené obavy, až bude zvažovať, či by Pravidlá presadzovania mali byť ratifikované, alebo ďalej rozvíjané.
V mene projektového tímu UCoC,
BPipal (WMF) MediaWiki message delivery (diskusia) 15:02, 12. január 2023 (UTC)
Nadchádzajúce hlasovanie o ratifikácii Pravidiel presadzovania Všeobecného kódexu správania
upraviťDobrý deň,
V polovici januára 2023 prebehne komunitné hlasovanie o ratifikácii Pravidiel presadzovania Všeobecného kódexu správania. Bude nadväzovať na hlasovanie uskutočnené v marci 2022, v ktorom väčšina hlasujúcich Pravidla presadzovania podporila. Používatelia, ktorí prispeli do hlasovania, pomohli upozorniť na podstatné obavy komunity. Výbor pre komunitné záležitosti nadácie Wikimédia požiadal o posúdenie týchto problémov.
Revízny výbor, zložený z dobrovoľníkov, usilovne pracoval na preskúmaní podnetov komunity a na úprave textu. Aktualizovali problematické oblasti, ako napríklad sekcia o požiadavkách na školenie, potvrdenie o dodržiavaní, ochrane súkromia a transparentnosti. Tiež zlepšili čitateľnosť a uľahčili preklad celého dokumentu.
Revidované Pravidlá presadzovania nájdete tu, a porovnanie zmien si môžete pozrieť tu.
Ako hlasovať?
Hlasovanie bude otvorené 17. januára 2023. Táto stránka na Meta-Wiki obsahuje návod na používanie nástroja SecurePoll, cez ktoré bude vedené hlasovanie.
Kto môže hlasovať?
Požiadavky k spôsobilosti na toto hlasovanie sú rovnaké ako pre voľby do správnej rady Wikimédiw. Ďalšie podrobnosti o oprávnenosti voličov nájdete na stránke s informáciami o voličoch. Ak ste oprávneným voličom, môžete použiť svoj účet Wikimédie na prístup k hlasovaciemu serveru.
Čo sa bude diať po hlasovaní?
Hlasy budú spracované nezávislou skupinou dobrovoľníkov a výsledky budú publikované v mailing liste Wikimedia-l, na fóre Stratégia hnutia, na blogu Diff a na Meta-Wiki. Užívatelia budú môcť opäť hlasovať a podeliť sa o svoje pripomienky k Pravidlám. Správna rada posúdi mieru podpory a vyjadrené obavy, až bude zvažovať, či by Pravidlá presadzovania mali byť ratifikované, alebo ďalej rozvíjané.
V mene projektového tímu UCoC,
BPipal (WMF) MediaWiki message delivery (diskusia) 15:20, 12. január 2023 (UTC)
Wikimánia 2023
upraviťAhojte. Aj tento rok sa v auguste bude konať Wikimánia 2023. Momentálne je možné požiadať o podporu pri účasti na tomto podujatí. Info je tu.--Jetam2 (diskusia) 22:14, 13. január 2023 (UTC)
The Signpost: 16 January 2023
upraviť- Special report: Coverage of 2022 bans reveals editors serving long sentences in Saudi Arabia since 2020
- News and notes: Revised Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines up for vote, WMF counsel departs, generative models under discussion
- In the media: Court orders user data in libel case, Saudi Wikipedia in the crosshairs, Larry Sanger at it again
- Technology report: View it! A new tool for image discovery
- In focus: Busting into Grand Central
- Serendipity: How I bought part of Wikipedia – for less than $100
- Featured content: Flip your lid
- Traffic report: The most viewed articles of 2022
- From the archives: Five, ten, and fifteen years ago
Povolenie Nástroja na preklad obsahu a sekcií v slovenskej Wikipédií
upraviť⧼Ahoj⧽ Priatelia!
Ospravedlňujem sa, že táto správa nie je vo vašom rodnom jazyku, Pomôžte prosím s prekladom do svojho jazyka.
Tím WMF Language vám s potešením oznamuje, že by sme radi na slovenskej Wikipédii povolili Nástroj na preklad sekcií a obsahu. Náš tím bude zbožňovať, ak si prečítate o tomto nástroji a otestuje nový Nástroj na preklad sekcií, aby ste mohli:
- Dali nám spätnú väzbu.
- Pýtali sa nás
- Povedali nám, ako ho zlepšiť
Nižšie sú uvedené základné informácie o tomto nástrojoch a o tom, ako ho môžete otestovať.
Informácie o pozadí
Content Translation je úspešný nástroj pre redaktorov na vytváranie obsahu v ich jazyku. Od vydania nástroja v roku 2015 bolo vytvorených viac ako milión článkov vo všetkých jazykoch. Na slovenskej Wikipédii je nástroj stále v beta verzie, čo obmedzuje spoznať tento nástroj a nepovolením ho vo vašej Wikipédie sa blokuje dovoliť ho rozšíriť na mobilné zariadenia. V nástroji na mobilnom zariadení:
- vás vedie k prekladu jednej sekcie za druhou, aby ste mohli rozšíriť existujúce články alebo vytvoriť nové, a
- uľahči prenos vedomostí medzi jazykmi kedykoľvek prostredníctvom svojho mobilného zariadenia.
Nástroje plánujeme sprístupniť na slovenskej Wikipédie v priebehu budúceho týždňa, ak z vašej komunity nebudú žiadne námietky. Po jej aktivácii budeme monitorovať obsah vytvorený pomocou nástrojov a spracujeme všetku spätnú väzbu. V každom prípade neváhajte a poskytnite akékoľvek obavy alebo otázky, ktoré máte, v komentári tejto správy alebo na diskusnej stránke projektu.
Vyskúšajte nástroj na preklad sekcií
Pred povolením si môžete aktuálnu implementáciu nástroja vyskúšať v našej testovacej inštancii. Po aktivácií na slovenskej Wikipédií budete môcť z mobilného zariadenia pristupovať cez URL Môžete si vybrať článok, ktorý chcete preložiť, a ako východiskový bod pre redaktorov sa bude poskytovať strojový preklad, ktorý môžete vylepšovať.
Poskytnúť spätnú väzbu
Poskytnite nám spätnú väzbu k prekladu sekcie na diskusnej stránke projektu. Chceme sa dozvedieť o vašich dojmoch ohľadom:
- Nástroj na preklad sekcií.
- Čo si myslíte o našich plánoch ho povoliť?
- Vaše nápady na zlepšenie nástroja.
Ďakujeme a tešíme sa na vašu spätnú väzbu a otázky. V mene jazykového tímu WMF UOzurumba (WMF) (diskusia) 22:30, 31. január 2023 (UTC) (Preklad/translated by: --Dušan Kreheľ (diskusia) 23:51, 31. január 2023 (UTC), --Dušan Kreheľ (diskusia) 11:54, 1. február 2023 (UTC))
- Thank you, Dušan Kreheľ, for the translation; I appreciate your help.
- Best regards,
- UOzurumba (WMF) (diskusia) 16:29, 15. február 2023 (UTC)
Content and Section Translation tool enabled in Slovak Wikipedia
upraviťDobrý deň Friends!
The WMF Language team is pleased to let you know that we have enabled the Section translation and Content translation tools in Slovak Wikipedia.
The Content translation tool can be discovered by users through several entry points. However, users not interested in translation can disable it from their preferences. Also, with the Section translation tool, you can start translating an article on your mobile device right when you notice it is missing in Slovak. From a Wikipedia article in any language, switch languages and search for slovenčina. If the article does not exist, an option to translate it will appear, as shown in the image below.
We know that these tools will help translators in your community to add content using any device with ease. Content created with the Content and Section Translation tool will be marked with the "contenttranslation" and “sectiontranslaiton” tag, respectively, for the community to review. We’ll monitor the content created, but we are interested in hearing about your experience using the tools and reviewing the content created with it.
So, enjoy the tools and provide feedback on improving it.
Thank you!
The Signpost: 4 February 2023
upraviť- From the editor: New for the Signpost: Author pages, tag pages, and a decent article search function
- News and notes: Foundation update on fundraising, new page patrol, Tides, and Wikipedia blocked in Pakistan
- Disinformation report: Wikipedia on Santos
- Op-Ed: Estonian businessman and political donor brings lawsuit against head of national Wikimedia chapter
- Recent research: Wikipedia's "moderate yet systematic" liberal citation bias
- WikiProject report: WikiProject Organized Labour
- Tips and tricks: XTools: Data analytics for your list of created articles
- Featured content: 20,000 Featureds under the Sea
- Traffic report: Films, deaths and ChatGPT
New details about the Private Incident Reporting System
upraviťPomôžte prosím s prekladom do svojho jazyka
Dobrý deň
We have an update about the Private Incident Reporting System (PIRS) development.
We have created an FAQ on the project page to help answer your questions. Please check it, and give feedback, or ask additional questions if you have more.
Best regards, Trust & Safety Tools team.
The Signpost: 20 February 2023
upraviť- In the media: Arbitrators open case after article alleges Wikipedia "intentionally distorts" Holocaust coverage
- Disinformation report: The "largest con in corporate history"?
- Tips and tricks: All about writing at DYK
- Featured content: Eden, lost.
- Gallery: Love is in the air
- From the archives: 5, 10, and 15 years ago: Let's (not) delete the Main Page!
- Humour: The RfA Candidate's Song
Community feedback-cycle about updating the Wikimedia Terms of Use starts
upraviťHello everyone,
Wikimedia Foundation Legal Department is organizing a feedback-cycle with community members to discuss updating the Wikimedia Terms of Use.
The Terms of Use (ToU) are the legal terms that govern the use of websites hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. We will be gathering your feedback on a draft proposal from February through April. The draft will be translated into several languages, with written feedback accepted in any language.
This update comes in response to several things:
- Implementing the Universal Code of Conduct
- Updating project text to the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license
- Proposal for better addressing undisclosed paid editing
- Bringing our terms in line with current and recently passed laws affecting the Foundation, including the European Digital Services Act
As part of the feedback cycle two office hours will be held, the first on March 2, the second on April 4.
For further information, please consult:
- The proposed update of the ToU by comparison
- The page for your feedback
- Information about the office hours
On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Legal Team,
Your wiki will be in read only soon
upraviťPrečítajte si túto správu v inom jazyku • Pomôžte prosím s prekladom do svojho jazyka
Nadácia Wikimedia bude testovať prepínanie medzi prvým a sekundárnym dátovým centrom. To zaistí, že Wikipedia a ďalšie Wikimedia stránky zostanú online aj v prípade katastrofy. Aby sme sa uistili, že všetko funguje, technické oddelenie Wikimedie potrebuje vykonať naplánovaný test. Tento test ukáže, či dokážu spoľahlivo prepnúť s jedného dátového centra do druhého. Na riešenie akýchkoľvek neočakávaných problémov a na prípravu testu je potrebných mnoho tímov.
Všetka prevádzka bude prepnutá do 1 marca. Test sa začne o 14:00 UTC (15:00 CEST).
Kvôli istým obmedzeniam v MediaWiki sa žial musia všetky editácie počas prepínania zastaviť. Ospravedlňujeme sa za túto nepríjemnosť a pracujeme na tom, aby sme ju v budúcnosti minimalizovali.
Na krátku dobu budete môcť všetky wiki čítať, nie však upravovať.
- V streda 1 marca 2023 Vám nemusí byť funkčné upravovanie v trvaní do 1 hodiny.
- Ak sa počas tejto doby pokúsite upravovať alebo úpravy ukladať, zobrazí sa vám hlásenie o chybe. Dúfame, že počas týchto minút nedôjde k strate žiadnych editácií, nemôžeme to však zaručiť. Ak uvidíte hlásene o chybe, počkajte prosím kým sa všetko nevráti do normálu. Potom by ste mali byť schopný uložiť svoje úpravy. Doporučujeme však, aby ste si najskôr urobili kópiu vašich úprav, len pre istotu.
Ďalšie dôsledky:
- Úlohy na pozadí budú pomalšie a niektoré môžu byť vynechané. Červené odkazy sa môžu aktualizovať pomalšie než zvyčajne. Ak vytvoríte článok, ktorý má už odkaz niekde inde, odkaz zostane červený dlhšie než zvyčajne. Niektoré dlho bežiace skripty budú musieť byť zastavené.
- Predpokladáme, že nasadzovanie nového kódu bude prebiehať tak ako v každom týždni. V jednotlivých prípadoch však môže dôjsť k zamrznutiu kódu, pokiaľ ich operácia neskôr vyžaduje.
- GitLab bude asi 90 minút nedostupný.
Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month 2023: We are back!
upraviťPomôžte prosím s prekladom do svojho jazyka
Hello, dear Wikipedians!
Wikimedia Ukraine, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and Ukrainian Institute, has launched the third edition of writing challenge "Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month", which lasts from 1st until 31st March 2023. The campaign is dedicated to famous Ukrainian artists of cinema, music, literature, architecture, design and cultural phenomena of Ukraine that are now part of world heritage. We accept contribution in every language! The most active contesters will receive prizes.
We invite you to take part and help us improve the coverage of Ukrainian culture on Wikipedia in your language! Also, we plan to set up a banner to notify users of the possibility to participate in such a challenge!
ValentynNefedov (WMUA) (talk) 07:58, 1 March 2023 (UTC)
The Signpost: 9 March 2023
upraviť- News and notes: What's going on with the Wikimedia Endowment?
- Technology report: Second flight of the Soviet space bears: Testing ChatGPT's accuracy
- In the media: What should Wikipedia do? Publish Russian propoganda? Be less woke? Cover the Holocaust in Poland differently?
- Featured content: In which over two-thirds of the featured articles section needs to be copied over to WikiProject Military History's newsletter
- Recent research: "Wikipedia's Intentional Distortion of the Holocaust" in Poland and "self-focus bias" in coverage of global events
- From the archives: Five, ten, and fifteen years ago
Office hour(s) - CEE Hub
upraviťHello everyone,
We want to invite you to the first monthly office hour(s) that CEE Hub will organize, where you can learn more about newly formed regional hub, and what CEE Hub can help you and your communities. The first session will take place on Sunday, March 12th at 17:00 CET time.
Open office hours are meant as a virtual space where anyone can talk to CEE Hub staff, ask questions, or discuss relevant CEE and Hub related topics.
Please respond to the email addresses or, as you can get the invitation link on time.
We will be happy to see some of you. --TRistovski-CEEhub (diskusia) 11:44, 10. marec 2023 (UTC)
- @TRistovski-CEEhub: Je to stále iba vo „fáze“ návrhu/formovania, alebo ma to už pre používateľa vo výsledku aj nejaký praktický význam? … Možno by sa mi páčili nejaké prehľadné aktualizácie pokroku/vývoja, ako napríklad m:Abstract Wikipedia/Updates, hoci len formou nejakej osnovy. Dušan Kreheľ (diskusia) 20:39, 12. marec 2023 (UTC)
- TRistovski-CEEhub or BKlen-CEEhub: And the answer? Dušan Kreheľ (diskusia) 13:19, 28. marec 2023 (UTC)
- @Dušan Kreheľ Apologies for not writing you back. We will be restructure soon the segment News for the CEE Hub, where you and all interested can follow progress of the CEE Hub. I will notify you when this is ready. --TRistovski-CEEhub (diskusia) 19:06, 28. marec 2023 (UTC)
- TRistovski-CEEhub or BKlen-CEEhub: And the answer? Dušan Kreheľ (diskusia) 13:19, 28. marec 2023 (UTC)
Wikimania 2023 Welcoming Program Submissions
upraviťThe Signpost: 20 March 2023
upraviť- News and notes: Wikimania submissions deadline looms, Russian government after our lucky charms, AI woes nix CNET from RS slate
- Eyewitness: Three more stories from Ukrainian Wikimedians
- In the media: Paid editing, plagiarism payouts, proponents of a ploy, and people peeved at perceived preferences
- Featured content: Way too many featured articles
- Interview: 228/2/1: the inside scoop on Aoidh's RfA
- Traffic report: Who died? Who won? Who lost?
The Signpost: 20 March 2023
upraviť- News and notes: Wikimania submissions deadline looms, Russian government after our lucky charms, AI woes nix CNET from RS slate
- Eyewitness: Three more stories from Ukrainian Wikimedians
- In the media: Paid editing, plagiarism payouts, proponents of a ploy, and people peeved at perceived preferences
- Featured content: Way too many featured articles
- Interview: 228/2/1: the inside scoop on Aoidh's RfA
- Traffic report: Who died? Who won? Who lost?
Office hour of the CEE Hub (3 April 2023)
upraviťHello everyone,
We want to invite you to the second monthly office hour(s) that CEE Hub will organize, where you can learn more about newly formed regional hub, and what CEE Hub can help you and your communities. The second session will take place on Monday, April 3rd at 18:00 CET time.
Open office hours are meant as a virtual space where anyone can talk to CEE Hub staff, ask questions, or discuss relevant CEE and Hub related topics.
Please sign up for the upcoming session at following Meta page, as you can get the invitation link on time.
We will be happy to see some of you. --MediaWiki message delivery (diskusia) 11:48, 28. marec 2023 (UTC)
Report on voter comments from the revised UCoC Enforcement Guidelines ratification vote
upraviťHello all,
The Universal Code of Conduct project team has completed the analysis of the comments accompanying the ratification vote on the revised Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines.
All respondents to the vote had the opportunity to provide comments regarding the contents of the revised Enforcement Guidelines draft document. A total of 369 participants left comments in 18 languages; compared to 657 commenters in 27 languages in 2022. The Trust and Safety Policy team completed an analysis of these results, categorizing comments to identify major themes and areas of focus within the comments. The report is available in translated versions on Meta-wiki here. Please help translate into your language.
Again, we are thankful to all who participated in the vote and discussions. More information about the Universal Code of Conduct and its Enforcement Guidelines can be found on Meta-wiki.
On behalf of the Universal Code of Conduct project team,
Reminder: Office hours about updating the Wikimedia Terms of Use
upraviťHello everyone,
This a reminder that the Wikimedia Foundation Legal Department is hosting office hours with community members about updating the Wikimedia Terms of Use.
The office hours will be held on April 4, at 17:00 UTC to 18:30 UTC. See for more details here on Meta.
We hereby kindly invite you to participate in the discussion. Please note that this meeting will be held in English language and led by the members of the Wikimedia Foundation Legal Team, who will take and answer your questions. Facilitators from the Movement Strategy and Governance Team will provide the necessary assistance and other meeting-related services.
On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Legal Team,
The Signpost: 3 April 2023
upraviť- From the editor: Some long-overdue retractions
- News and notes: Sounding out, a universal code of conduct, and dealing with AI
- In the media: Twiddling Wikipedia during an online contest, and other news
- Arbitration report: "World War II and the history of Jews in Poland" case is ongoing
- Featured content: Hail, poetry! Thou heav'n-born maid
- Recent research: Language bias: Wikipedia captures at least the "silhouette of the elephant", unlike ChatGPT
- From the archives: April Fools' through the ages
- Disinformation report: Sus socks support suits, seems systemic
Call for early input on the proposed Movement Charter ratification methodology
upraviťHello all,
The Movement Charter Drafting Committee (MCDC) is collecting early input from the Wikimedia movement on the proposed methodology for the ratification of the Movement Charter from April 10 to 28, 2023. Ratification of the Movement Charter is planned to take place in early 2024 according to the timeline.
There are six questions that the MCDC requests your input on. Please share your feedback by:
- Commenting on the Meta talk page
- Commenting on the Movement Strategy forum
- Joining the community conversation hours
Conversation hours
The MCDC also invites everyone interested in sharing their feedback on the proposed methodology to join the community conversation hours:
- Community conversation hour #1: 18 April at 10:00 UTC (your local time)
- Community conversation hour #2: 24 April at 17:00 UTC (your local time)
The language of conversation hours is English.
On behalf of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee, --AAkhmedova (WMF) (diskusia) 18:58, 11. apríl 2023 (UTC)
Elections Committee: Call for New Members
upraviťHello everyone,
The Wikimedia Foundation elections committee (Elections Committee) is, from today until April 24, seeking an additional 2–4 members to help facilitate the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustee (Board) selection process.
The 2024 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election is being planned. New members are invited to join the Elections Committee. The Elections Committee oversees the Board of Trustees community seat selection process. Join the committee and contribute your valuable skills and ideas to the Trustee selection process.
There are eight community- and affiliate-selected seats on the Wikimedia Foundation Board. The wider Wikimedia community votes for community members to occupy these seats. In 2024, the Elections Committee will oversee this selection process for the community- and affiliate-selected seats with expiring terms. This process will be supported by the Wikimedia Foundation.
Elections Committee members sign up for three-year terms and will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement. Members can expect to contribute 2–5 hours per week before the selection process and 5–8 hours per week during the selection process.
As an Elections Committee member, you will be responsible for:
- Attending online meetings between now and the next election (mid-2024)
- Attending onboarding and online training in May–June 2023
- Working with the Committee to fulfill its other responsibilities
New members should have the following qualities:
- Fluency in English
- Responsiveness to email collaboration
- Knowledge of the movement and movement governance
If you would like to volunteer for this role, please submit your candidacy by April 24, 2023 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth) on this Meta-Wiki page.
You can read the full announcement here. Thank you in advance for your interest! If you are not interested but know someone who might be, share this message with them. Please let me know if you have questions.
On behalf of the Elections Committee,
Office hour of the CEE Hub (2 May 2023) and updates from the CEE Hub
upraviťHello everyone,
We want to invite you to the third monthly office hour(s) that CEE Hub will organize, where you can learn more about newly formed regional hub, and what CEE Hub can help you and your communities. The third session will take place on Tuesday, May 2nd at 18:00 CEST time.
Open office hours are meant as a virtual space where anyone can talk to CEE Hub staff, ask questions, or discuss relevant CEE and Hub related topics. You can find a link on the following Meta page.
If you don`t have a time to come on our Office hour, you can read more about development of the CEE Hub on our News page.
We will be happy to see some of you.
The Signpost: 26 April 2023
upraviť- News and notes: Staff departures at Wikimedia Foundation, Jimbo hands in the bits, and graphs' zeppelin burns
- In the media: Contested truth claims in Wikipedia
- Obituary: Remembering David "DGG" Goodman
- Arbitration report: Holocaust in Poland, Jimbo in the hot seat, and a desysopping
- Special report: Signpost statistics between years 2005 and 2022
- News from the WMF: Collective planning with the Wikimedia Foundation
- Featured content: In which we described the featured articles in rhyme again
- From the archives: April Fools' through the ages, part two
- Humour: The law of hats
- Traffic report: Long live machine, the future supreme
Seeking volunteers for the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct process
As follow-up to the message about the Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines by Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Vice Chair, Shani Evenstein Sigalov, I am reaching out about the next steps. I want to bring your attention to the next stage of the Universal Code of Conduct process, which is forming a building committee for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). I invite community members with experience and deep interest in community health and governance to nominate themselves to be part of the U4C building committee, which needs people who are:
- Community members in good standing
- Knowledgeable about movement community processes, such as, but not limited to, policy drafting, participatory decision making, and application of existing rules and policies on Wikimedia projects
- Aware and appreciative of the diversity of the movement, such as, but not limited to, languages spoken, identity, geography, and project type
- Committed to participate for the entire U4C Building Committee period from mid-May - December 2023
- Comfortable with engaging in difficult, but productive conversations
- Confidently able to communicate in English
The Building Committee shall consist of volunteer community members, affiliate board or staff, and Wikimedia Foundation staff.
The Universal Code of Conduct has been a process strengthened by the skills and knowledge of the community and I look forward to what the U4C Building Committee creates. If you are interested in joining the Building Committee, please either sign up on the Meta-Wiki page, or contact ucocproject by May 12, 2023. Read more on Meta-Wiki.
Best regards,
The Signpost: 8 May 2023
upraviť- News and notes: New legal "deVLOPments" in the EU
- In the media: Vivek's smelly socks, online safety, and politics
- Recent research: Gender, race and notability in deletion discussions
- Featured content: I wrote a poem for each article, I found rhymes for all the lists;
My first featured picture of this year now finally exists!
- Arbitration report: "World War II and the history of Jews in Poland" approaches conclusion
- News from the WMF: Planning together with the Wikimedia Foundation
News about upcoming sessions and the CEE Newsletter
upraviťHello everyone,
CEE Hub has two major announcement for the upcoming week:
- Next CEE Catch up – youth edition will take place on May 16th 2023, 18:00-19:00 CEST. Please register for the event using the following link. This meeting is a part of already established CEE Catch up concept. The goal of the meeting is to gather young CEE Wikimedians/Wikipedians (up to 26 years old) and people who are older than 26 and who are interested in learning about and from youth.
- Learning session dedicated to Movement Strategy Implementation Grants, where you can learn how is the process for applying this type of grants, and to learn from first hand about two such funded initiatives in the CEE Region. This session will take place on May 17th 2023, 18:00-19:20 CEST. Please register for the event using the following link.
CEE Newsletter is back! You can wrote first renewed edition of the CEE Newsletter here.
Important remark: The CEE Newsletter is open for new members in the editorial team, so please show your interest by writing an email to the CEE Hub staff.
Reminder about registration and submissions for Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023
upraviťDear all,
we would like to remind you about submission and registration deadlines for Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2023, which are approaching. If you haven’t registered and/or sent your submissions, there is still time to do so.
CEE Meeting is a place where we get a chance to share our learning and experience with the region and we are all looking forward to seeing many of you in this September in Tbilisi (Georgia).
If you want some assistance or advice from us, especially related to preparing your presentations, please contact CEE Hub, we will be happy to support you. ( and
Toni Ristovski, on behalf of the CEE Hub staff --MediaWiki message delivery (diskusia) 10:02, 17. máj 2023 (UTC)
Dňa 15. až 17. septembra 2023 sa uskutoční stretnutie Wikimedia CEE (formálne komunitné zoskupenie pre strednú a východnú Európu) v Gruzínsku.
- Registrácia príspevkov, pre učastníkov, ktorý chcú niečo prezentovať, je do konca mája 2023.
- Registrácia tých, ktorý majú mať preplatené náklady je do konca mája 2023.
- Je možnosť ísť ako delegát komunity, ktorému sa základné náklady na zúčastnenie akcia preplatia.
- Registrácia pre ostatných, je do konca júla 2023.
Poznámka: Uvedené časy sú v CEST.
✍️ Dušan Kreheľ (diskusia) 12:37, 17. máj 2023 (UTC)
- Pre úplnosť píšem, že sa hlásime o reprezentáciu spolu s Arminom, dolaďujeme ešte príspevok.--Jetam2 (diskusia) 13:36, 17. máj 2023 (UTC)
- Inak je možnosť stať sa členom Steering Committee pre CEE Hub, viac info je na mete.--Jetam2 (diskusia) 19:00, 23. máj 2023 (UTC)
The Signpost: 22 May 2023
upraviť- In the media: History, propaganda and censorship
- Arbitration report: Final decision in "World War II and the history of Jews in Poland"
- Featured content: A very musical week for featured articles
- Traffic report: Coronation, chatbot, celebs
Selection of the U4C Building Committee
upraviťThe next stage in the Universal Code of Conduct process is establishing a Building Committee to create the charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). The Building Committee has been selected. Read about the members and the work ahead on Meta-wiki.
-- UCoC Project Team, 04:20, 27. máj 2023 (UTC)
Wikikonference (Česko)
upraviť- Wikikonference
- Praha, Česko.
- 17. 06. 2023, 9:00 – 18:00, sobota.
- Viac (čestina).
The Signpost: 5 June 2023
upraviť- News and notes: WMRU director forks new 'pedia, birds flap in top '22 piccy, WMF weighs in on Indian gov's map axe plea
- Featured content: Poetry under pressure
- Traffic report: Celebs, controversies and a chatbot in the public eye
Invitation to participate in the #WPWPCampaign 2023
upraviťDear Wikimedians,
We are glad to inform you that the 2023 edition of Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos campaign is coming up in July.
This is a formal invitation to invite individuals and communities to join the campaign to help improve Wikipedia articles with photos and other relevant media files.
If you're interested in participating, please find your community or community closer to you to participate from the Participating Communities page. If you're organizer, please add your community or Affiliate to the page.
The campaign primarily aims to promote using images from Wikimedia Commons to enrich Wikipedia articles. Participants will choose among Wikipedia pages without photos, then add a suitable file from among the many thousands of photos in the Wikimedia Commons, especially those uploaded from thematic contests (Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Folklore, etc.) over the years. In this edition of the campaign, eligibility criteria have been revised based on feedback and campaign Evaluation Reports of the previous editions. Please find more details about these changes and our FAQ on Meta-Wiki
For more information, please visit the campaign page on Meta-Wiki.
Kind regards,
Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos International Team.
MediaWiki message delivery (diskusia) 23:25, 7. jún 2023 (UTC)
Teraz Wikipédia s CC-BY-SA 4.0
upraviťTeraz je obsah Wikipédie pod licenciou CC-BY-SA 4.0 (oficiálne oznámenie). Dušan Kreheľ (diskusia) 00:01, 9. jún 2023 (UTC)
Our plan
upraviťIf no large concerns are raised, we plan on deploying in the week of October 3, 2022. If your community would like to request more time to discuss the changes, hit the button and write to us. We can adjust the calendar.
Also, if you'd like ask our team anything, if you have questions, concerns, or additional thoughts, please ping me here or write on the talk page of the project. We will also gladly answer! See our FAQ. Thank you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (diskusia) 03:14, 22. september 2022 (UTC)
- @MNadzikiewicz (WMF): As I have written already, to me the skin has more disadvantages than advantages and I doubt I will use it as my default. The biggest drawback for me is the disorganized interwiki links: having the listed on the side in alphabetical order makes navigation very easy. Clicking on a drop-down menu with unintuitive ordering makes navigation a lot slower. I hardly use the table of content (much less frequently than interwikis). Has any research been done on this wiki? Did you look at the interwiki problem? If the new skin makes tool-scrolling 16% better but interwiki scrolling 60% worse (for example), I do not think the changes are worth it.--Jetam2 (diskusia) 06:54, 22. september 2022 (UTC)
- @Jetam2, thanks for the engagement! Let me ping @SGrabarczuk (WMF), as the person responsible for this. Cheers! MNadzikiewicz (WMF) (diskusia) 02:37, 23. september 2022 (UTC)
- Hi @Jetam2. Thank you for your comment.
- We've been working on this skin since 2019; it's been the default on some wikis since 2020. Statistically, in its current state, it is a net improvement already. But there are some tradeoffs that won't work for everyone. We're still working on some details. On your side, currently, you may easily opt-out and never see the skin again. We won't disable Vector legacy. You may also switch back and forth between the skins. You can configure Vector 2022. So, there are many options, and you may change your mind whenever you want.
- We've done research on a number of wikis, close to 30. These were small and big projects, Wikipedias and sister projects, LTR and RTL scripts - all the variety.
- Regarding the language switching:
- The primary goal for moving the list to a button at the top of the page was the problem of readers not knowing that interwiki exist. They would search, say, Carpathians in Slovak instead of going straight to sk:Karpaty. You can learn more about that on this page.
- The sorting itself is, I admit, arbitrary. That's because there's no Universally Working Solution. Our colleagues, the Language team, have found out that this method is just good enough. In some cases, all you need to do is to type the language code in the language menu search widget, eg.
. - Based on a discussion with some members of the Russian and Ukrainian-language communities, we're considering three other options to keep the button but also make it easier for users like you. You can take part in the discussion here.
- SGrabarczuk (WMF) (diskusia) 16:51, 23. september 2022 (UTC)
- @SGrabarczuk (WMF): I would be interested in knowing that the set up for interwiki links works. In my humble view, a list is definitely easier to spot than a button. After the skin became default here I wasted no time in setting it back. After white I forgot about it until the other day I was looking for something on a work computer. Eventhough I am a seasoned user and knew what to look for it took me around 2 seconds to find the interwiki button. How does that work for first time visitors? Are they actually clicking faster or finding the links faster?--Jetam2 (diskusia) 14:02, 18. november 2022 (UTC)
- @Jetam2, yes! It's not even about first-time visitors, but about occasional users, too. Most of them weren't even aware of the existence of interwiki links. Read more on the page about the feature, and see the user testing report. Languages are described almost at the end. SGrabarczuk (WMF) (diskusia) 16:36, 21. november 2022 (UTC)
- @SGrabarczuk (WMF): I would be interested in knowing that the set up for interwiki links works. In my humble view, a list is definitely easier to spot than a button. After the skin became default here I wasted no time in setting it back. After white I forgot about it until the other day I was looking for something on a work computer. Eventhough I am a seasoned user and knew what to look for it took me around 2 seconds to find the interwiki button. How does that work for first time visitors? Are they actually clicking faster or finding the links faster?--Jetam2 (diskusia) 14:02, 18. november 2022 (UTC)
- @SGrabarczuk (WMF): The study says „Almost all of the readers were unable to understand the purpose of the main menu section and did not find it to be relevant.“ (41) but does not elaborate. The report also says „Most of the readers could understand the terminology and concept of Languages. They were unaware that they had an option of changing the Language within the article.“ (80) Has this been solved by moving the language section and making it even more obscure? „Most of the readers who explored Languages were unaware about this feature and had not seen it before.“ Do they see it better now? The study was conducted only on English Wikipedia and in person in Pune, India. Perhaps there was other research done but a major global change should hardly be based on a local study like this. From the page you linked: „In July 2021, we moved the language button to a more convenient location at the top of the page. However, the results of our A/B test indicated that the new location of the button might be difficult to discover“. Over a year ago, there was an idea that the new location is a problem and there does not seem to be any new development since. Why should the language switching even be a button when you can have all the links displayed and seen within virtually no time. Why is there a need to hide the links and make users look for languages which considerably slows the process down?--Jetam2 (diskusia) 14:26, 22. november 2022 (UTC)
- Hey @Jetam2 — to recap and clarify, there are two separate challenges/goals here:
- 1) Help people discover interlanguage links
- 2) Help people find the specific interlanguage link they want
- Regarding the first challenge/goal: the simple user testing we did (link) gave us initial confidence that a button at the top of the page (near the article title), is more discoverable than a list of links in the sidebar. People were able to find the button about three times faster than the list of links. Once we launched the feature we began collecting data from our pilot wikis for confirmation, however because people were switching between pilot wikis (Vector 2022), and non-pilot wikis (Legacy Vector), we were unable to get usable data (i.e. because the language links would move from one location to another). In other words, in the short term while some wikis were using Vector 2022 and others were using Legacy Vector we introduced some confusion about where language links were, which meant that any data was not useful. Now that Vector 2022 is deployed on most wikis we are going to circle back and collect usable data. If we find that the language links are less discoverable than they are in Legacy Vector we will revisit the styling of the button, and potentially the location. We've also sketched out other options, which you can see here:
- Regarding the second challenge/goal: contrary to what @SGrabarczuk (WMF) said before, the order of the language links in the menu is not arbitrary. I am including the design rationale which was originally provided in this discussion (link) by @Pginer-WMF, who is the designer on the language team:
- The language selector uses different clues to figure out which are the recommended languages. Although different factors are considered, those are prioritized. For example, top priority is based on the previous selections. That is, a user that frequently reads in French, Japanese and Igbo would get those always in their suggestions for pages available in those languages. Similarly, the browser languages are considered next if it was not possible to fill the suggestions with the previous criteria. Additional criteria can be considered in cases where it is hard to fill the suggestions because of the languages in which content is available (something which will vary significantly from page to page).Some of the criteria based on location or relation to content may need some polishing in some cases (data is based on CLDR and can be improved). In any case, as mentioned above, for a user that speaks and uses a given set of languages, in practical terms the suggestions are going to surface those (even if some of the additional suggestions are sub-optimal at times). In contrast, with the classical approach of a flat list, a speaker of a language with low Wikipedia coverage would have to scan long lists of languages to find whether the content is available in theirs (which may not be in mosts cases), and they would have to do that every single time without the system making it easier after the first try.
- More detail about the criteria for suggested languages is described in more detail here.
- Does that help to clarify our thought process here? Please let me know what you think and if you have additional questions. Thanks, AHollender (WMF) (diskusia) 19:36, 22. november 2022 (UTC)
- @SGrabarczuk (WMF): Have you been able to collect the data you talked about earlier „Now that Vector 2022 is deployed on most wikis we are going to circle back and collect usable data.“? Thanks!--Jetam2 (diskusia) 21:54, 27. január 2023 (UTC)
- Hi @Jetam2, thanks for pinging me! Last week, we deployed Vector 2022 on English Wikipedia. Personally, I think this may be a game-changer. Since then, we have run some queries concerning enwiki specifically, but it's too soon to collect this particular data. This is because people are still getting accustomed to the new interface. So now, we mostly have data about things strictly related to the deployment, for example new accounts created mostly for the purpose of setting the old skin in preferences. (Looks like this is a number equivalent to the number of accounts normally created in about 4 days.) I will make a note to publish this in one project update, preferably. SGrabarczuk (WMF) (diskusia) 02:20, 28. január 2023 (UTC)
- @SGrabarczuk (WMF): Perhaps there is data now?--Jetam2 (diskusia) 08:15, 23. apríl 2023 (UTC)
- @SGrabarczuk (WMF): Any update? --Jetam2 (diskusia) 17:24, 30. máj 2023 (UTC)
- Hi @Jetam2! Not yet. But I'd like invite you to watching our Updates page or subscribing to our newsletter which sends notifications about new updates. When we have new data about this, we'll definitely publish it as a new update! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (diskusia) 16:55, 12. jún 2023 (UTC)
- Hi @Jetam2, thanks for pinging me! Last week, we deployed Vector 2022 on English Wikipedia. Personally, I think this may be a game-changer. Since then, we have run some queries concerning enwiki specifically, but it's too soon to collect this particular data. This is because people are still getting accustomed to the new interface. So now, we mostly have data about things strictly related to the deployment, for example new accounts created mostly for the purpose of setting the old skin in preferences. (Looks like this is a number equivalent to the number of accounts normally created in about 4 days.) I will make a note to publish this in one project update, preferably. SGrabarczuk (WMF) (diskusia) 02:20, 28. január 2023 (UTC)
- @SGrabarczuk (WMF): Have you been able to collect the data you talked about earlier „Now that Vector 2022 is deployed on most wikis we are going to circle back and collect usable data.“? Thanks!--Jetam2 (diskusia) 21:54, 27. január 2023 (UTC)
- @SGrabarczuk (WMF): The study says „Almost all of the readers were unable to understand the purpose of the main menu section and did not find it to be relevant.“ (41) but does not elaborate. The report also says „Most of the readers could understand the terminology and concept of Languages. They were unaware that they had an option of changing the Language within the article.“ (80) Has this been solved by moving the language section and making it even more obscure? „Most of the readers who explored Languages were unaware about this feature and had not seen it before.“ Do they see it better now? The study was conducted only on English Wikipedia and in person in Pune, India. Perhaps there was other research done but a major global change should hardly be based on a local study like this. From the page you linked: „In July 2021, we moved the language button to a more convenient location at the top of the page. However, the results of our A/B test indicated that the new location of the button might be difficult to discover“. Over a year ago, there was an idea that the new location is a problem and there does not seem to be any new development since. Why should the language switching even be a button when you can have all the links displayed and seen within virtually no time. Why is there a need to hide the links and make users look for languages which considerably slows the process down?--Jetam2 (diskusia) 14:26, 22. november 2022 (UTC)
The Signpost: 19 June 2023
upraviť- News and notes: WMF Terms of Use now in force, new Creative Commons licensing
- Featured content: Content, featured
- Recent research: Hoaxers prefer currently-popular topics
General survey about grants, tools and support from the CEE Hub
upraviťCEE Hub created one general survey where we aim to collect information and opinions about several important topics that we believe all of you have experience in at some level.
The survey has three main topics: experience with grants and opinions, what kind of tools you used and want to use, and also what kind of support you want to have from the CEE Hub, which will help us in shaping the second year of the CEE Hub.
Please dedicate 15 minutes of your free time and submit your answers on this link.
--Toni Ristovski, on behalf of the CEE Hub staff MediaWiki message delivery (diskusia) 09:31, 20. jún 2023 (UTC)
Oznámení nových členů volebního výboru
upraviťDobrý den všem,
S potěšením vám oznamujeme nové členy a poradce volebního výboru. Volební výbor pomáhá s návrhem a provedením procesu výběru členů správní rady zvolených komunitou a přidruženými subjekty do správní rady Nadace Wikimedia. Po otevřeném nominačním procesu promluvili nejsilnější kandidáti s členy správní rady a čtyři kandidáti byli požádáni, aby se stali členy Volebního výboru. Další čtyři kandidáti byli požádáni, aby se stali poradci.
Děkujeme všem členům komunity, kteří se volby účastnili. Těšíme se na spolupráci s volebním výborem v blízké budoucnosti.
Jménem správní rady nadace Wikimedia Foundation,
The Signpost: 3 July 2023
upraviť- Disinformation report: Imploded submersible outfit foiled trying to sing own praises on Wikipedia
- Featured content: Incensed
- Traffic report: Are you afraid of spiders? Arnold? The Idol? ChatGPT?
MinT Machine Translation added to your Wikipedia
upraviťDobrý deň!
Apologies as this message is not in your language, ⧼Please help translate⧽ to your language.
The WMF Language team has added another machine translation (MT) system for Content Translation in your Wikipedia called MinT; you can use MinT machine translation when translating Wikipedia articles using the Content and Section Translation tool.
The WMF Language team provides the MinT service. It is hosted in the Wikimedia Foundation Infrastructure with neural machine translation models that other organizations have released with an open-source license. MinT integrates translation based on NLLB-200, OpusMT, IndicTrans2 and Softcatalà. This MT is set as optional in your Wikipedia. Still, you can choose not to use it by selecting "Start with empty paragraph" from the "Initial Translation" dropdown menu.
Since MinT is hosted in the WMF Infrastructure and the models are open source, it adheres to Wikipedia's policies about attribution of rights, your privacy as a user and brand representation. You can find more information about the MinT machine translation and the models on this page.
Please note that the use of the MinT MT is not compulsory. However, we would want your community to:
- use it to improve the quality of the Machine Translation service
- provide feedback about its quality, and if you prefer the MinT machine translation as default in your Wikipedia.
We trust that introducing this MT is a good support to the Content Translation tool.
Thank you!
UOzurumba (WMF) (diskusia) 22:02, 4. júl 2023 (UTC) On behalf of the WMF Language team.
The Signpost: 17 July 2023
upraviť- In the media: Tentacles of Emirates plot attempt to ensnare Wikipedia
- Tips and tricks: What automation can do for you (and your WikiProject)
- Featured content: Scrollin', scrollin', scrollin', keep those readers scrollin', got to keep on scrollin', Rawhide!
- Traffic report: The Idol becomes the Master
Upcoming CEE Catch up – Supporting community health
upraviťHello everyone,
CEE Hub invites community members to a next CEE Catch Up which will focus on community health. The meeting will take place on July 31st, 2023, 18:00-19:00 CEST. You can sign up for the event on our Meta page, where you simply just add your username and we will send you a link for the event.
The goal of the session is to gather everyone interested to hear more about practices WMF and different Wikimedia affiliates have established to protect (mental) health and wellbeing of volunteers. The session is interesting for everyone who wants to know about supporting community health or if you want to learn how to implement some new practices in your affiliate/community.
--Toni Ristovski, on behalf of the CEE Hub staff MediaWiki message delivery (diskusia) 13:02, 18. júl 2023 (UTC)
The Signpost: 1 August 2023
upraviť- News and notes: City officials attempt to doxx Wikipedians, Ruwiki founder banned, WMF launches Mastodon server
- In the media: Truth, AI, bull from politicians, and climate change
- Disinformation report: Hot climate, hot hit, hot money, hot news hot off the presses!
- Tips and tricks: Citation tools for dummies!
- In focus: Journals cited by Wikipedia
- Opinion: Are global bans the last step?
- Featured content: Featured Content, 1 to 15 July
- Traffic report: Come on Oppie, let's go party
The Signpost: 15 August 2023
upraviť- News and notes: Dude, Where's My Donations? Wikimedia Foundation announces another million in grants for non-Wikimedia-related projects
- Tips and tricks: How to find images for your articles, check their copyright, upload them, and restore them
- Cobwebs: Getting serious about writing
- Serendipity: Why I stopped taking photographs almost altogether
- Featured content: Barbenheimer confirmed
- Traffic report: Come on in, and pull yourself up a chair
Global bot flag request for Lingua Libre Bot
upraviť- Apologies for sending this message solely in English. Pomôžte prosím s prekladom do svojho jazyka.
Dobrý deň,
This is a notice pursuant the global bot policy, to inform you that Lingua Libre Bot is requesting approval to operate as a global bot.
The discussion can be found at Steward requests/Bot status in Meta-Wiki. All Wikimedia Community members can participate in the discussion if they so wish.
Děkujeme vám.
You are receiving this message because this page is listed in the list of pages to notify about new global bot discussions. If you no longer wish to be notified, you may remove this page from that list at any time.
Review the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee
upraviťHello all,
I am pleased to share the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct work. The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) draft charter is now ready for your review.
The Enforcement Guidelines require a Building Committee form to draft a charter that outlines procedures and details for a global committee to be called the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). Over the past few months, the U4C Building Committee worked together as a group to discuss and draft the U4C charter. The U4C Building Committee welcomes feedback about the draft charter now through 22 September 2023. After that date, the U4C Building Committee will revise the charter as needed and a community vote will open shortly afterward.
Join the conversation during the conversation hours or on Meta-wiki.
RamzyM (WMF), on behalf of the U4C Building Committee, 15:35, 28. august 2023 (UTC)
The Signpost: 31 August 2023
upraviť- From the editor: Beta version of now online
- News and notes: You like RecentChanges?
- In the media: Taking it sleazy
- Recent research: The five barriers that impede "stitching" collaboration between Commons and Wikipedia
- Draftspace: Bad Jokes and Other Draftspace Novelties
- Humour: The Dehumourification Plan
- Traffic report: Raise your drinking glass, here's to yesterday
CEE Youth Group: Dáváme dohromady mladé wikimediány ze střední a východní Evropy
upraviťSkupina mladých wikimediánů ze střední a východní Evropy (CEE Youth Group) je iniciativa CEE Hubu s cílem neformálně propojit mladé lidi z tohoto regionu.
V případě, že jste ve věku do 26 let a máte se zájem stát členem skupiny, stačí vyplnit příslušný formulář a přidat se do Telegramové skupiny.
V současné chvíli nemáme ve skupině žádné zástupce ze Slovenska. Za všechny nové členy jsme rádi! Jakékoliv dotazy ohledně skupiny rád zodpovím zde, nebo na mailu.
Díky, --janbery (diskusia) 11:17, 1. september 2023 (UTC)
The Signpost: 16 September 2023
upraviť- In the media: "Just flirting", going Dutch and Shapps for the defence?
- Obituary: Nosebagbear
- Featured content: Catching up
- Traffic report: Some of it's magic, some of it's tragic
The Signpost: 3 October 2023
upraviť- News and notes: Wikimedia Endowment financial statement published
- Recent research: Readers prefer ChatGPT over Wikipedia; concerns about limiting "anyone can edit" principle "may be overstated"
- Featured content: By your logic,
- Poetry: "The Sight"
== Otevřené příležitosti pro Výbor pro přidružené organizace, komisi ombudsmanů a Výbor pro přezkoumání případů ==
upraviťTuto zprávu můžete najít přeloženou do dalších jazyků na Meta-wiki.
Další jazyky • Pomôžte prosím s prekladom do svojho jazykaAhoj všichni! Výbor pro přidružené organizace (AffCom), Komise ombudsmanů (OC) a Výbor pro přezkoumání případů (CRC) hledají nové členy. Tyto dobrovolnické skupiny poskytují komunitě a hnutí důležitou strukturální a dohledovou podporu. Vyzýváme všechny, aby nominovali sami sebe nebo povzbudili ostatní, o kterých si myslí, že by mohli být přínosem pro tyto skupiny, aby se přihlásili. Více informací o úlohách skupin, potřebných dovednostech a možnosti přihlásit se najdete na Meta-wiki stránce.
Jménem podpůrného týmu výboru,
Review and comment on the 2024 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection rules package
upraviťDear all,
Please review and comment on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees selection rules package from now until 29 October 2023. The selection rules package was based on older versions by the Elections Committee and will be used in the 2024 Board of Trustees selection. Providing your comments now will help them provide a smoother, better Board selection process. More on the Meta-wiki page.
Katie Chan
Chair of the Elections Committee
01:13, 17. október 2023 (UTC)
The Signpost: 23 October 2023
upraviť- News and notes: Where have all the administrators gone?
- In the media: Thirst traps, the fastest loading sites on the web, and the original collaborative writing
- Gallery: Before and After: Why you don't need to know how to restore images to make massive improvements
- Featured content: Yo, ho! Blow the man down!
- Traffic report: The calm and the storm
- News from Diff: Sawtpedia: Giving a Voice to Wikipedia Using QR Codes
The Signpost: 6 November 2023
upraviť- Arbitration report: Admin bewilderingly unmasks self as sockpuppet of other admin who was extremely banned in 2015
- In the media: UK gov bigwig accused of ripping off WP articles for book, Wikipedians accused of being dicks by a rich man
- Opinion: An open letter to Elon Musk
- WikiCup report: The WikiCup 2023
- News from Wiki Ed: Equity lists on Wikipedia
- Recent research: How English Wikipedia drove out fringe editors over two decades
- Featured content: Like putting a golf course in a historic site.
- Traffic report: Cricket jumpscare
Office hour of the CEE Hub (6 November 2023)
upraviťHello everyone,
We want to invite you to the ninth monthly office hour(s) that CEE Hub will organise, where you can learn more about newly formed regional hub, and what CEE Hub can help you and your communities. The ninth session will take place on Monday, November 6th at 17:00 CET time.
Open office hours are meant as a virtual space where anyone can talk to CEE Hub staff, ask questions, or discuss relevant CEE and Hub related topics. You can find a link on the following Meta page.
If you don`t have a time to come on our Office hour, you can read more about development of the CEE Hub on our News page.
We will be happy to see some of you. --MediaWiki message delivery (diskusia) 09:29, 6. november 2023 (UTC)
Coming soon: Reference Previews
upraviťA new feature is coming to your wiki soon: Reference Previews are popups for references. Such popups have existed on wikis as local gadgets for many years. Now there is a central solution, available on all wikis, and consistent with the PagePreviews feature.
Reference Previews will be visible to everyone, including readers. If you don’t want to see them, you can opt out. If you are using the gadgets Reference Tooltips or Navigation Popups, you won’t see Reference Previews unless you disable the gadget.
Reference Previews have been a beta feature on many wikis since 2019, and a default feature on some since 2021. Deployment is planned for November 22.
- Help page
- Project page with more information (in English).
- Feedback is welcome on this talk page.
-- For Wikimedia Deutschland’s Technical Wishes team,
The Signpost: 20 November 2023
upraviť- In the media: Propaganda and photos, lunatics and a lunar backup
- News and notes: Update on Wikimedia's financial health
- Traffic report: If it bleeds, it leads
- Recent research: Canceling disputes as the real function of ArbCom
- Wikimania: Wikimania 2024 scholarships
The Signpost: 4 December 2023
upraviť- In the media: Turmoil on Hebrew Wikipedia, grave dancing, Olga's impact and inspiring Bhutanese nuns
- Disinformation report: "Wikipedia and the assault on history"
- Comix: Bold comics for a new age
- Essay: I am going to die
- Featured content: Real gangsters move in silence
- Traffic report: And it's hard to watch some cricket, in the cold November Rain
- Humour: Mandy Rice-Davis Applies
== (Nová) funkce rozšíření Kartographer: Přidávání geografických bodů pomocí QID ==
upraviťOd září 2022 je možné vkládat geografické body pomocí QID. O tuto funkci žádalo mnoho přispěvatelů, ale příliš se nevyužívá. Proto bych vám ji chtěli připomenout. Více informací můžete najít na stránkách projektu. Pokud máte nějaké komentáře, dejte nám vědět v diskusi. – Zdraví tým Technických přání Wikimedia Deutschland.
The Signpost: 24 December 2023
upraviť- Special report: Did the Chinese Communist Party send astroturfers to sabotage a hacktivist's Wikipedia article?
- News and notes: The Italian Public Domain wars continue, Wikimedia RU set to dissolve, and a recap of WLM 2023
- In the media: Consider the humble fork
- Discussion report: Arabic Wikipedia blackout; Wikimedians discuss SpongeBob, copyrights, and AI
- In focus: Liquidation of Wikimedia RU
- Technology report: Dark mode is coming
- Recent research: "LLMs Know More, Hallucinate Less" with Wikidata
- Gallery: A feast of holidays and carols
- Comix: Lollus lmaois 200C tincture
- Crossword: when the crossword is sus
- Traffic report: What's the big deal? I'm an animal!
- From the editor: A piccy iz worth OVAR 9000!!!11oneone! wordz ^_^
- Humour: Guess the joke contest