Luehdorfia, po slovensky niekedy pestroň, je rod motýľov z čeľade vidlochvostovité podčeľade Parnassiinae.
Tento rod motýľov opísal v roku 1878 nemecký entomológ - lepidopterológ Carl Friedrich August Alexander Crüger (1813 - 1885). Opis bol uverejnený v článku "Ueber Schmetterlinge von Wladiwostok", ktorý bol publikovaný v časopise: "Verh. Ver. naturw. Unterhalt.", vydaného v Hamburgu, č. 3, na stranách 128 - 133.
upraviťPatria sem iba 4 druhy:
upraviť- Aoyama, J.: 1994, Phylogeny of genus Luehdorfia. Konchu to Shizen, 29: p. 8 - 15.
- Crüger, C.: 1878, Ueber Schmetterlinge von Wladiwostok. Verh. Ver. naturw. Unterhalt., Hamburg, 3: p. 128 - 133.
- Hemming, A. F.: 1967, The generic names of the butterflies and their type-species (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. Ent., Suppl. 9: 509 pp.
- Hiura, I.: 1978, Where From Originate Butterflies. 230 pp., Soju Shobo, Tokyo.
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- Ishizuka, Y.: 1980, The study of relationships of the genus Luehdorfia. Konchu to Shizen, 15: p. 13 - 17.
- Ishizuka, Y.: 1991, The study of relationships of the genus Luehdorfia. Konchu to Shizen, 26: p. 23 - 29.
- Kato, T.: 1998, A phylogeny for four species of the genus Luehdorfia (Lepidopetra, Papilionidae) based on the morphological characters of the genitalia. Transactions of the Lepidopterists’ Society of Japan, 49: p. 93 - 103.
- Makita, H., Shinkawa, T., Kazumasa, O., Kondo, A., Nakazawa, T.: 2000, Phylogeny of Luehdorfia butterflies inferred from mitochondrial ND5 gene sequences. Entomological Science, 3: p. 321 - 329.
- Matsumoto, K.: 1989, Effects of aggregation on the survival and development on different host plants in a papilionid butterfly, Luehdorfia japonica Leech. Jpn. J. ent., 57: p. 853 - 860.
- Matsumoto, K., Ito, F., Tsubaki, Y.: 1993, Egg cluster size variation in relation to the larval food abundance in Luehdorfia puziloi (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Researches on Population Ecology, 35: p. 325 - 333.
- Matsumura, T., Usami, S. I., Ueda, S., Itino, T., Ito, T., Xing, L. I.: 2005, Phylogenetic positions of Luehdorfia chinensis huashanensis Lee (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) inferred from mitochondrial gene sequence analyses. Trans. Lipid. Soc. Japan, 56: p. 333 - 341.
- Nazari, V., Zakharov, E. V., Sperling, F. A. H.: 2007, Phylogeny, historical biogeography, and taxonomic ranking of Parnassiinae (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) based on morphology and seven genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 42: p. 131 - 156.
- Saigusa T.: 1973, A phylogeny of the genus Luehdorfia. Konchû-to-Shizen, 8: p. 5 - 18.
- Shinkawa, T.: 1991, The study of relations between genus Luehdorfia. Konchu to Shizen, 16: p. 11 - 20.
- Takahashi, A.: 1973, The theory of distribution “Luehdorfia japonica”. Konchu to Shizen, 8: p. 2 - 7.
- Watanabe, Y.: 1996, Phylogenetic classification. In: Watanabe, Y. (ed.): Monograph of Luehdorfia Butterflies: p. 145 - 150. Hokkaido Univ. Press, Hokkaido.
- Yashima, J., Ozone, T., Nishida, S.: 1999, A data on relationship of four species in the genus Luehdorfia. Gekken-Mushi, 337: p. 27 - 34.
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